

Seasonal Satisfaction

It is March, which means change is afoot. I’m not sure about where you are, but here in Sydney there has definitely been a shift in the air. That crisp air, with an ever so slight chill behind the breeze; autumn is definitely showing its presence. For my Northern Hemisphere readers, there is probably much excitement as the colder climates start to thaw and spring starts showing you its green glory.

Adapting our diets and lifestyles to the seasons used to be common practice. Alas no so much anymo…

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Intermittent fasting, and the things we should consider...

For the last few years intermittent fasting (IF) has been gaining momentum to the point that it is commonplace for many people that I see as clients as well as being documented in popular media to do with health, nutrition and fitness. It is a rare day I spend in clinical practice where at least 1 or 2 of my clients are not either already doing IF when they come to see me or are asking questions about it. There is a plethora of information on the web about it, including this brilliant article, b…

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For the love of Adaptogens

Earlier this year, we explored the 7 Pillars of Health. One thing that sort of weaved it’s way through each of the pillars, unintentionally, was the impact that STRESS is having on our bodies. For example, we looked at how stress is potentially affecting our sleep hygiene, and our mental health. And, whilst each month I proposed a challenge or two, to help get our seven pillars back in line, I’ve had a lot of feedback regarding how I can help with stress in a clinical setting.

Being a Naturopath/…

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Can we get a little more Whole?

In case you haven’t noticed, half a year has already passed us by. The seasons have definitely changed, taxes are due, and most importantly; we have arrived at the final Natures 7 Healers – Whole Foods/Healthy Diet.

It’s been a bit of a journey getting here. Each month we dove into one of the healers, and challenged ourselves; we aimed for less technology before bed, more sunshine and fresh air, and getting more movement into our everyday. Some months were easier than others….

This month we’re loo…

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Minimalistic Health our Step One..

As January goes racing by and all my plans of how much I want to rest over the holidays becomes a distant memory I got to thinking and reading all the blogs and posts about minimalism that keep hitting my inbox. Marie Kondo’s TV show has just hit Netflix and one or two other bloggers on minimalism that I follow have both put out books to assist in this process and it got me to thinking, why is it we are so focused on all the things we own or want to get rid of when really we should be focused on…

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How to make the perfect post-training smoothie

Article originally published on Blackmores Whether you're running a half or full marathon, getting ready for takes a lot of commitment and training hours. One of the best ways to support your body with a heavy training schedule is to make sure that you re-fuel properly after each workout. Many time people will squeeze in their early morning training and then not eat breakfast until they have gotten to work a few hours later and by then they have missed the boat of optimum fueling and recovery fo…

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How to get your nutrition right on race day

Article originally published on Blackmores

With only a few weeks until the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, and whether you are doing the 10km or the marathon there are a few things to start thinking about before race morning.

Don’t let all your weeks and months of training go to waste by not being prepared for the actual day.

So you’re a fit or almost fit and ready to race, what do you need to remember nutritionally for the big day so as not to end up on the side of the road walking it home to …

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Top ingredients every runner should eat

Running is a demanding sport and your diet plays an important role in helping you reach your goals. If you’re serious about staying strong, preventing injury and recovering fast, you need to pay attention to what you eat. These are the top foods you should consider if you’re a runner, according to Kira Sutherland, sports nutritionist, naturopath and Blackmores Sydney Running Festival expert.


In sport, magnesium is specifically used for the burning of glucose as fuel for the body, and f…

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What to eat before a running event, according to a nutritionist

Fuel up before running all-out. 

by Melissa Shedden

Whether you've already signed up for an event or if you're just thinking about running your first 10K, you might have a few questions about what's going to go down on race day.

What do you wear? What will the registration process be like? Do I get to carb load? Is this actually going to be fun?

The answer can be absolutely yes if you plan ahead with some enjoyment-enhancing strategies.

“Running is a demanding sport and your diet p…

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Why Nutrition is the New Religion!

I have been in the health industry for almost 20 years now and it never ceases to amaze, confound, inspire and frustrate me all at the same time. It is a relatively new science and the goal posts are always changing. What was ‘truth’ 5 years ago is maybe wrong today and by next week it will change again. No wonder people are so confused, I am too and I have been studying this stuff FOREVER.

With books, social media, the internet and bloggers the nutrition and wellness movement is now colossal! I…

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